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Objectivism Government Trait
Published on November 3, 2021 By Davabled In Galactic Civilizations III

The Objectivism government has a “Pragmatism 50%” trait. What does this do?

I’ve searched through wikis and tried looking through XML files but couldn’t find anything. 

It doesn’t appear to be increasing the number of ideology points I’m earning, which I assumed it would do.

 The “+4 Pragmatic Diplomacy” Trait, on the other hand, appears to be working by adding 2 plusses on the diplomacy screen with other pragmatic civilizations. 

on Nov 04, 2021

I only knew about the beneficial diplomacy boosts with other Pragmatic Civs. If there are a lot of those Civs in your galaxy, it can really swing things in your direction.

I don't remember seeing any mention of an increase in ideology points. Here's a list from the Wiki (https://wiki.galciv.com/index.php?title=Governments_and_Commonwealths):

  • Pragmatism +50%
  • Pragmatic Diplomacy +4
  • Research +20%
  • All Construction +30%
  • Gross Income +20%
  • Galactic
  • Holds Elections
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Contracts



on Nov 04, 2021

I already had that info from the wiki, but thanks for sharing it for other visitors.

Unfortunately, it doesn't explain what "Pragmatism 50%" does.

on Nov 22, 2021

Pragmatism +50% gives you 50% more points toward the Pragmatic ideology so if you accumulate 10 per turn you bump up to 15.


on Nov 22, 2021


Pragmatism +50% gives you 50% more points toward the Pragmatic ideology so if you accumulate 10 per turn you bump up to 15.


If that's the case, then it doesn't appear to be working in the current version.

on Nov 23, 2021

It is possible that it does not work fully, I have not checked. I usually streamline to this Government choice for the +20% income and I do find that I accumulate pragmatism points faster but never checked if it is exactly 50% more.