A blog description describes a blog. When describing a blog, the blog is taken apart. It is therefore recommended to scribe a blog instead.
Davabled's Articles
February 23, 2009 by Davabled
Using Internet Explorer 7.x, I am unable to use the Page Up/Down, Home, and End keys to navigate the forum pages unless I first left-click on the outer left/right edges of the page.  Using my mouse's scroll wheel works fine however. Using Firefox, the keys work as expected, that is, there is no issue. I didn't see this posted before, sorry if I'm reporting a known issue and/or reporting this in the wrong thread.
October 31, 2008 by Davabled
Was fuer ein Blog ist dies?  Keine Ahnung.  Vielliecht im Zumkunft werde ich etwas substantisch shcreiben.